Standards & Glossary

The Standards and Glossary is a free resource that defines the HR Metrics Service’s data points and metrics as well as outlines the standard on how the metrics are calculated.

Our standards are a collection of the most common and useful metrics from all commonly published sources with additional measures or adjustments made to improve the scope or value of the measures included.

There are several measures which are commonly understood, such as Revenue per FTE. Those measures appear in the glossary. For measures where the methodology varies across the board, the formulas were developed by scanning which formulas were easiest to track and provided the most reliable assessment of the HR function.

The data definitions provide consistency in measuring. Every organization that participates in the service must provide their data according to the definitions found in the Standards and Glossary. The HR Metrics Service team then audits against these definitions every quarter. When comparing your score against the benchmark range you can be assured that you are making an apples-to-apples comparison since everyone is measuring the same way.

This is a free resource for anyone to use. Whether you are participating in the service or not, we encourage you to take a copy and get started measuring!

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