
Over 200 metrics in 8 different categories. Start off with as few or as many metrics as you wish. No minimum data set required.

Metrics categories:


Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Revenue per FTEThe number of dollars of revenue from operations generated per permanent FTE. Revenue / Permanent FTE
Profit per FTEThe number of dollars of profit generated per permanent FTE.(Revenue-Operating Cost) / Permanent FTE
Human Capital Return on InvestmentThe rate of return for each dollar invested in employee pay and benefits (labour costs).((Revenue – (Operating Cost – Labour Cost)) / Labour Cost} – 1
Absenteeism RateThe number of work days missed due to illness per permanent FTE.Sick Days / Permanent FTE
Total Average Direct Cost of Absenteeism per FTEThe average total direct labour cost per FTE for time not worked due to illness.Labour Cost / Permanent FTE / 60* Sick Days / Permanent FTE             

1 Average number of days in a quarter
Overtime per Individual Contributor HeadcountThe average number of overtime hours worked by each Permanent Individual Contributor.  (Based on headcount)Overtime Hours / Permanent Individual Contributor Headcount


Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Labour Cost per FTEThe average labour cost to the organization for each permanent FTE.Labour Cost / Permanent FTE
Labour Cost Revenue PercentThe total labour costs as a percentage of organizational revenue.Labour Costs / Revenue
Labour Cost Expense PercentThe total labour costs as a percentage of total expenses.Labour Cost / Operating Cost
Benefits as Percentage of Labour CostsThe total cost of benefits as a percentage of the total Labour Costs.Benefits / Labour Costs


Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Vacancy Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent positions being actively recruited for at the end of the reporting period as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Vacant Positions / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Vacancy Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent positions being actively recruited for at the end of the reporting period as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent Vacant Positions / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Vacancy Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Positions being actively recruited for at the end of the reporting period as a percentage of headcount.(Permanent Vacant Positions + Non Permanent Vacant Positions) / (Permanent Headcount + Non Permanent Headcount)
90 Day Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who left the organization within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Non Permanent 90 Day Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who left the organization within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of non permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Non Permanent (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Non Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Total 90 Day Turnover Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who left the organization within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent + Non Permanent (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent + Non Permanent (Headcount within 90 Days of Service)
90 Day Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Resignations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Non Permanent 90 Day Resignation Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of non permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Non Permanent Resignations within 0-90 Days of Service /  Non Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Total 90 Day Resignation Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of headcount within 90 days of service.(Permanent + Non Permanent Resignations) within 0-90 Days of Service / (Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount) within 90 Days of Service
90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Involuntary Terminations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Non Permanent 90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of non permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Non Permanent Involuntary Terminations within 0-90 Days of Service / Non Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Total 90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of headcount within 90 days of service.(Permanent +Non Permanent Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / (Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount) within 90 Days of Service
1st Year Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Non Permanent 1st Year Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.Non Permanent (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / Non Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Total 1st Year Turnover Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent + Non Permanent (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / (Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount) within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned

as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.
Permanent Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within  0-1 Year of Service
Non Permanent 1st Year Resignation Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.Non Permanent Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Non Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Total 1st Year Resignation Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent + Non Permanent Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Non Permanent 1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of non permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Non Permanent Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Non Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Total 1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent + Non Permanent Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
External Hire Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Employees hired externally as a percentage of permanent headcount.External Recruits / Permanent Headcount
External Hire Rate Executive Level
Permanent Employees Only
Executives hired externally as a percentage of permanent executive headcount.Executive Level External Recruits  /Permanent Executive Level Headcount
External Hire Rate Management Level
Permanent Employees Only
Managers hired externally as a percentage of permanent manager headcount.Management Level External Recruits / Permanent Management Level Headcount
External Hire Rate Individual Contributor Level
Permanent Employees Only
Individual Contributors hired externally as a percentage of permanent individual contributor headcount.Individual Contributor Level External Recruits / Permanent Individual Contributor Level Headcount
Diversity Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires who self-identify as an aboriginal person, a person with a disability, or a member of a visible minority.New Hires who self-identify as an Aboriginal Person, Person with a Disability, or Member of a Visible Minority / New Hires
Aboriginal Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires who self-identify as aboriginal persons.New Hires who self-identify as Aboriginal Persons / New Hires
Disability Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires who self-identify as disabled persons.New Hires who self-identify as Disabled Persons / New Hires
Visible Minority Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires who self-identify as visible minority persons.New Hires who self-identify as Visible Minority Persons / New Hires
Female Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires who are female.New Hires who are Female / New Hires
Under 25 Years Hire Ratio The percentage of new hires under the age of 25.New Hires Under 25 Years Old / New Hires
25-29 Years Hire Ratio The percentage of new hires between the ages of 25 and 29.New Hires Between 25-29 Years Old / New Hires
30-34 Years Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires between the ages of 30 and 34.New Hires Between 30-34 Years Old / New Hires
35-39 Years Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires between the ages of 35 and 39.New Hires Between 35-39 Years Old / New Hires
40-44 Years Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires between the ages of 40 and 44.New Hires Between 40-44 Years Old / New Hires
45-49 Years Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires between the ages of 45 and 49.New Hires Between 45-49 Years Old / New Hires
50-54 Years Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires between the ages of 50 and 54.New Hires Between 50-54 Years Old / New Hires
55-59 Years Hire Ratio
The percentage of new hires between the ages of 55 and 59.New Hires Between 55-59 Years Old / New Hires
60-64 Years Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires between the ages of 60 and 64.New Hires Between 60-64 Years Old / New Hires
65 Years or Older Hire RatioThe percentage of new hires age of 65 or older.New Hires 65 Years or Older / New Hires
External Time-to-FillThe average number of calendar days taken to fill permanent positions externally.External Days to Fill / Permanent External Recruits
External Time-to-Fill Executive Level PositionsThe average number of calendar days taken to fill a permanent executive position externally.External Days to Fill Permanent Executive Level Positions / Permanent Executive Level External Recruits
External Time-to-Fill Management Level PositionsThe average number of calendar days taken to fill a permanent manager position externally.
External Days to Fill Permanent Management Level Positions / Permanent Management Level External Recruits
External Time-to-Fill Individual Contributor Level PositionsThe average number of calendar days taken to fill a permanent individual contributor position externally.External Days to Fill Permanent Individual Contributor Level Positions / Permanent Individual Contributor Level External Recruits
External Cost per HireThe average direct recruitment costs per permanent external hire.Recruitment Costs / Permanent External Recruits
External Offer Acceptance RateExternal recruits accepting positions as a percentage of permanent external job offers. Permanent External Recruits / Permanent Job Offers to External Candidates


Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent headcount.
Non Permanent Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent (Resignation + Retirements + Involuntary Terminations) / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Turnover Rate             
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent (Resignation + Retirements + Involuntary Terminations) / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Employee (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Voluntary Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent (Resignations + Retirements) / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Executive Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent executive level employees who voluntarily left the organization as a percentage of permanent executive level headcount.Permanent Executive Level (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent Executive Level Headcount
Management Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent manager level employees who voluntarily left the organization as a percentage of permanent management level headcount.Permanent Management Level (Resignations +  Retirements) / Permanent Management Level Headcount
Individual Contributor Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent individual contributor level employees who voluntarily left the organization as a percentage of permanent individual contributor level headcount.Permanent Individual Contributor Level (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent Individual Contributor Level Headcount
Cost of Voluntary TurnoverThe average cost to replace each permanent employee who left voluntarily.Permanent Employee Projected Annual Base Compensation Cost / Permanent (Resignations + Retirements)
Non Permanent Cost of Voluntary Turnover
Non Permanent Employees Only
The average cost to replace each non permanent employee who left voluntarily.Non Permanent Employee Projected Annual Base Compensation Cost / Non Permanent (Resignations + Retirements)
Total Cost of Voluntary Turnover
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The average cost to replace each employee who left voluntarily.Permanent + Non Permanent Employee Projected Annual Base Compensation Cost / Permanent + Non Permanent (Resignations + Retirements)
Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Involuntary Turnover Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent Involuntary Terminations / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of headcount.Permanent Involuntary + Non Permanent Involuntary Terminations / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Executive Involuntary Turnover RatePermanent executive level employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent executive level headcount.Permanent Executive Level Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Executive Level Headcount
Management Involuntary Turnover RatePermanent manager level employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent manager level headcount.Permanent Manager Level Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Manager Level Headcount
Individual Contributor Involuntary Turnover RatePermanent individual contributor level employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent individual contributor level headcount.Permanent Individual Contributor Level Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Individual Contributor Level Headcount
Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Resignations / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Resignation Rate
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent Resignations / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Resignation Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of headcount.(Permanent Resignations + Non Permanent Resignations) / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Total Top Quartile Performer Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who resigned and were within the top quartile of performers, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Resignations in the Top Quartile of Performance / Permanent Headcount
Total Bottom Quartile Performer Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who resigned and were within the bottom quartile of performers, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Resignations in the Bottom Quartile of Performance / Permanent Headcount
First Two Years of Service Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with less than 2 years of service who resigned as a percentage of permanent headcount within 0-2 years of service.Permanent Resignations within 0-2 Years of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-2 Year of Service
Two to Three Years of Service Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with between 2-3 years of service who resigned as a percentage of permanent headcount within 2-3 years of service.Permanent Resignations within 2-3 Years of Service / Permanent Headcount within 2-3 Year of Service
Three to Five Years of Service Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with between 3-5 years of service who resigned as a percentage of permanent headcount within 3-5 years of service.Permanent Resignations within 3-5 Years of Service / Permanent Headcount within 3-5 Year of Service
Five to Ten Years of Service Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with between 5-10 years of service who resigned as a percentage of permanent headcount within 5-10 years of service.Permanent Resignations within 5-10 Years of Service / Permanent Headcount within 5-10 Year of Service
More than Ten Years of Service Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees with more than 10 years of service who resigned as a percentage of permanent headcount with 10 years or more of service.Permanent Resignations with more than 10 Years of Service / Permanent Headcount 10 Years or more of Service
Under 25 years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of employees under 25 years of age who resigned.Permanent Resignations Under Age 25 / Permanent Headcount Under Age 25
25-29 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 25 to 29 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 25-29 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 25-29 Years
30-34 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 30 to 34 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 30-34 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 30-34 Years
35-39 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 35 to 39 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 35-39 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 35-39 Years
40-44 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 40 to 44 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 40-44 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 40-44 Years
40-44 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 40 to 44 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 40-44 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 40-44 Years
45-49 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 45 to 49 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 45-49 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 45-49 Years
50-54 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 50 to 54 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 50-54 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 50-54 Years
55-59 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 55 to 59 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 55-59 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 55-59 Years
60-64 Years Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees between the ages of 60 to 64 who resigned.Permanent Resignations Between Ages 60-64 Years / Permanent Headcount Between Ages 60-64 Years
65 Years or Older Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
The percentage of permanent employees aged 65 or older who resigned.Permanent Resignations Age 65 Years or Older / Permanent Headcount Age 65 Years or Older
Retirement Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who retired as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Retirements / Permanent Headcount
Total Retirement Rate
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees who retired as a percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent Retirements / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Average Retirement Age
Permanent Employees Only
Average age of permanent employees who retired.Permanent Retirees Total Age / Permanent Retirements
Succession Planning Rate
Education Industry Only
The percentage of permanent executive roles for which there is a succession candidate.Executive Candidates / Permanent Executive Level Headcount

Labour Relations

Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Open grievances from permanent employees as a percentage of permanent unionized headcount.Open Permanent Employee Grievances / Permanent Unionized Headcount
Non Permanent Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Non Permanent Employees Only
Open grievances from non permanent employees as a percentage of non permanent unionized headcount.Open Non Permanent Employee Grievances / Non Permanent Union Headcount
Total Grievances as a % of Total Unionized Headcount
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Open grievances as a percentage of unionized headcount.Open Permanent + Non Permanent Employee Grievances / Permanent + Non Permanent Union Headcount
New Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
New opened permanent employee grievances as a percentage of permanent unionized headcount.New Open Permanent Employee Grievances / Permanent Union Headcount
Non Permanent New Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Non Permanent Employees Only
New opened non permanent employee grievances as a percentage of non permanent unionized headcount.New Open Non Permanent Employee Grievances / Non Permanent Union Headcount
Total New Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
New opened grievances as a percentage of unionized headcount.New Open Permanent + Non Permanent Grievances / Permanent + Non Permanent Union Headcount
Grievances – Time to First Contact
Permanent Employees Only
The average number of days until first contact with permanent employee who filed the grievance.Total Number of Days to First Contact – Permanent Employees / Number of First Contacts – Permanent Employees
Non Permanent Grievances – Time to First Contact
Non Permanent Employees Only
The average number of days until first contact with non permanent employee who filed the grievance.Total Number of Days to First Contact – Non Permanent Employees / Number of First Contacts – Non Permanent Employees
Total Employee Grievances – Time to First Contact
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The average number of days until first contact with employee who filed the grievance.Total Number of Days to First Contact (Permanent + Non Permanent Employees) / Number of First Contacts (Permanent + Non Permanent Employees)
Arbitrated Grievances as a % of Grievances Open
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employee grievances gone to arbitration as a percentage of permanent employee grievances open.Number of Permanent Employee Grievances Gone to Arbitration / Number of Open Permanent Employee Grievances
Non Permanent Arbitrated Grievances as a % of Non Permanent Employee Grievances Open
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employee grievances gone to arbitration as a percentage of non permanent employee grievances open.Number of Non Permanent Employee Grievances Gone to Arbitration / Number of Open Non Permanent Employee Grievances
Total Arbitrated Grievances as a % of Total Grievances Open
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Grievances gone to arbitration as a percentage of grievances open.Permanent + Non Permanent Number of Grievances Gone to Arbitration / Permanent + Non Permanent Number of Open Grievances
% of Grievances Closed
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employee grievances closed as a percentage of open permanent employee grievances.Number of Permanent Employee Grievances Closed / Number of Open Permanent Employee Grievances
% of Non Permanent Employee Grievances Closed
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employee grievances closed as a percentage of open non permanent employee grievances.Number of Non Permanent Employee Grievances Closed / Number of Open Non Permanent Employee Grievances
Total % of Grievances Closed
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Grievances closed as a percentage of open grievances.Permanent + Non Permanent Number of Grievances Closed / Permanent + Non Permanent Number of Open Grievances
Union Percentage
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees belonging to a union as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Union Headcount / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Union Percentage
Non Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees belonging to a union as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent Union Headcount / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Union Percentage
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Employees belonging to a union as a percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent Union Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount

HR Efficiency

Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
HR FTE Ratio
Permanent Employees Only
The number of permanent FTE per individual permanent HR FTE.Permanent FTE / Permanent HR FTE
Total HR FTE Ratio
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The number of FTE per individual HR FTE.Permanent + Non Permanent FTE / Permanent + Non Permanent HR FTE
HR Headcount Ratio   
Permanent Employees Only          
The number of permanent employees per individual permanent HR employee.Permanent Headcount / Permanent HR Headcount
Total HR Headcount Ratio
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The number of employees per individual HR employee.Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent HR Headcount
HR Costs per Employee
Permanent Employees Only
The HR cost for each permanent employee.HR Costs / Permanent Headcount
Total HR Costs per Employee
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The HR cost for each employee.HR Costs / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
HR Costs per FTE
Permanent Employees Only
The HR cost for each permanent FTE.HR Costs / Permanent FTE
Total HR Costs per FTE
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The HR cost for each FTE.HR Costs / Permanent + Non Permanent FTE
HR Costs as a % of Operating CostsThe HR cost as a percentage of operating costs.HR Costs / Operating Costs
HR Costs as a % of Labour CostsThe HR cost as a percentage of labour costs.HR Costs / Labour Costs
HR Turnover
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent HR employees leaving HR as a percentage of permanent HR headcount.Permanent HR Employee Terminations / Permanent HR Headcount

Learning and Development

Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Learning & Development Investment per FTE
Permanent Employees Only
The number of dollars invested in learning and development per permanent FTE.Learning & Development Cost / Permanent FTE
Learning & Development Cost Revenue PercentageThe learning and development cost as a percentage of revenue.Learning & Development Cost / Revenue
Learning & Development Cost Payroll PercentageThe learning and development cost as a percentage of labour cost.Learning & Development Cost / Labour Cost
Learning & Development Hours per FTE
Permanent Employees Only
The numbers of hours spent on learning per permanent FTE.Learning & Development Hours / Permanent FTE
Learning & Development Hours per FTE
Permanent Employees Only
The numbers of hours spent on learning per permanent FTE.Learning & Development Hours / Permanent FTE
Learning & Development FTE Ratio
Permanent Employees Only
The number of permanent FTE for each permanent FTE working in learning and development.Permanent FTE / Permanent Learning & Development FTE

Workforce Demographics

Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Promotion Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees promoted as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Promotions / Permanent Headcount
Promotion Rate  – to Executive Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees promoted to a permanent executive level position as a percentage of all promotions.Permanent Executive Level Promotions / Permanent  Promotions
Promotion Rate – to Management Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees promoted to a permanent management level position as a percentage of all promotions.Permanent Management Level Promotions / Permanent Promotions
Executive Level Promotion Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees promoted to a permanent executive level position as a percentage of all permanent executive headcount.Permanent Executive Level Promotions / Permanent Executive Level Headcount
Management Level Promotion Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees promoted to a permanent management level position as a percentage of all permanent management headcount.Permanent Management Level Promotions / Permanent Management Level Headcount
Career Path Ratio
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees moving upward in the organization as a percentage of all permanent employee movement.Permanent Promotions / Permanent (Promotions + Transfers)
Permanent Employees Only
Internal movement by permanent employees as percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent (Promotions + Demotions + Transfers) / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Churnover
Non Permanent Employees Only
Internal movement by non permanent employees as percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent (Promotions + Transfers) / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Churnover
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Internal movement by employees as percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent (Promotions + Demotions + Transfers) / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Female Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who are female as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Female Employees / Permanent Headcount
Female Percentage at Executive Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent executives level employees who are female as a percentage of permanent executive headcount.Permanent Female Executive Level Employees / Permanent Executive Level Headcount
Female Percentage at Management Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent manager level employees who are female as a percentage of permanent manager level headcount.Permanent Female Management Level Employees / Permanent Management Level Headcount
Female Percentage at Individual Contributor Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent individual contributor level employees who are female as a percentage of individual contributor level headcount.Permanent Female Individual Contributor Level Employees / Permanent Individual Contributor Level Headcount
Diversity Percentage (Visible Minorities, Aboriginal Persons, Disabled Persons)
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who identify as an aboriginal person, a person with a disability, or a member of a visible minority as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Employees who Self-Identify as an Aboriginal Person, Person with a Disability, or Member of a Visible Minority / Permanent Headcount
Diversity Percentage at Executive Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent executive level employees who identify as an aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority as a percentage of permanent executive headcount.Permanent Executive Level Employees who Self-Identify as an Aboriginal Person, Person with a Disability, or Member of a Visible Minority) / Permanent Executive Headcount
Diversity Percentage at Management Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent manager level employees who identify as an aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority as a percentage of permanent executive headcount.Permanent manager level employees who identify as an aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority as a percentage of permanent executive headcount.
Diversity Percentage at Individual Contributor Level
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent individual contributor level employees who identify as an aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority as a percentage of permanent individual contributor headcount.Permanent Individual Contributor Level Employees who Self-Identify as an Aboriginal Person, Person with a Disability, or Member of a Visible Minority) / Permanent Individual Contributor Headcount
Aboriginal Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who identify as an aboriginal person as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Employees who Self-Identify as Aboriginal Persons / Permanent Headcount
Disabled Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who identify as a person with a disability as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Employees who Self-Identify as Persons with a Disability / Permanent Headcount
Visible Minority Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who identify as a member of a visible minority as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Employees who Self-Identify as Members of a Visible Minority / Permanent Headcount
Management Span of Control
Permanent Employees Only
Average number of permanent employees per permanent manager level employee / executive level employee.Permanent Headcount / Permanent (Management + Executive Level Headcount)
Average Age
Permanent Employees Only
Average age of permanent employees.Permanent Employees Total Age / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent Average Age
Non Permanent Employees Only
Average age of non permanent employees.Non Permanent Employees Total Age / Non Permanent Headcount
Total Average Age
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
Average age of employees.Employees Total Age / Headcount
Average Length of Service
Permanent Employees Only
Average length of permanent employee service.Permanent Employee Total Length of Service / Permanent Headcount
Part-time Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Permanent employees who work part-time as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Part-Time Employees / Permanent Headcount
Total Headcount to FTE Ratio
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees
The number of employees for each FTE.Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent FTE
Non Permanent Employee Percentage
Permanent Employees Only
Non permanent employees as a percentage of permanent headcount.Non Permanent Headcount / Permanent Headcount
Non Permanent to Permanent Percentage
Non Permanent Employees Only
The number of non permanent employees who moved to a permanent position as a percentage of permanent headcount.Non Permanent Employee to Permanent Employee / Permanent Headcount

For large industry groups, we have added custom industry-specific metrics as follows:

Education Industry – Post Secondary


Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Vacancy Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty positions being actively recruited for as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Vacant Faculty Positions / Permanent Headcount
Vacancy Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff positions being actively recruited for as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Vacant Staff Positions / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Vacancy Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty positions being actively recruited for as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Vacant Faculty Positions / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Vacancy Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff positions being actively recruited for as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Vacant Staff Positions / Permanent Staff Headcount
90 Day Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
90 Day Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Faculty 90 Day Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Staff 90 Day Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent staff headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount within 90 Days of Service
90 Day Resignation Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Faculty Resignations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
90 Day Resignation Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Staff Resignations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Faculty 90 Day Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Faculty Resignations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Staff 90 Day Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who resigned within 90 days of starting their employment, as a percentage of permanent staff headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Staff Resignations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount within 90 Days of Service
90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Faculty Involuntary Terminations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Staff Involuntary Terminations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Faculty 90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Faculty Involuntary Terminations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount within 90 Days of Service
Staff 90 Day Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees who left the organization involuntarily within 90 days of starting their employment as a percentage of permanent staff headcount within 90 days of service.Permanent Staff Involuntary Terminations within 0-90 Days of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount within 90 Days of Service
1st Year Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Faculty 1st Year Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Staff 1st Year Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Involuntary Terminations) within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Resignation Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned, as a percentage of permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Faculty Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Resignation Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned, as a percentage of permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Staff Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Faculty 1st Year Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned, as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Faculty Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Staff 1st Year Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees with less than 1 year of service who resigned, as a percentage of permanent staff headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Staff Resignations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Faculty Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Staff Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Headcount 0-1 within Year of Service
Faculty 1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of faculty permanent headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Faculty Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
Staff 1st Year Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees with less than 1 year of service who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent staff headcount with less than 1 year of service.Permanent Staff Involuntary Terminations within 0-1 Year of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount within 0-1 Year of Service
External Hire Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees hired externally as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty External Recruits / Permanent Headcount
External Hire Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees hired externally as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff External Recruits / Permanent Headcount
Faculty External Hire Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees hired externally as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty External Recruits / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff External Hire Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees hired externally as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff External Recruits / Permanent Staff Headcount
External Time-to-Fill – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
The average number of calendar days taken to fill permanent faculty positions externally.External Days to Fill – Faculty / Permanent Faculty External Recruits
External Time-to-Fill – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
The average number of calendar days taken to fill permanent staff positions externally.External Days to Fill – Staff / Permanent Staff External Recruits


Metric NameMetric DescriptionFormula
Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Retirements + Involuntary Terminations) / Permanent Headcount
Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Retirements + Involuntary Terminations) / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Retirements + Involuntary Terminations) / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who left the organization, either voluntarily or involuntarily, as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Retirements + Involuntary Terminations) / Permanent Staff Headcount
Voluntary Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent Headcount
Voluntary Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty (Resignations + Retirements) / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Voluntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who left the organization voluntarily as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff (Resignation + Retirements) / Permanent Staff Headcount
Involuntary Turnover Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Headcount
Involuntary Turnover Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Involuntary Turnover Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees who left the organization involuntarily as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff Involuntary Terminations / Permanent Staff Headcount
Resignation Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty Resignations / Permanent Headcount
Resignation Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff Resignations / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent faculty employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty Resignations / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Resignation Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who resigned from the organization as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff Resignations / Permanent Staff Headcount
Retirement Rate – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who retired as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty Retirements / Permanent Headcount
Retirement Rate – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who retired as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff Retirements / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Retirement Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who retired as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty Retirements / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Retirement Rate
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who retired as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff Retirements / Permanent Staff Headcount
Average Retirement Age – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Average age of permanent faculty employees who retired.Permanent Faculty Retirees Total Age / Permanent Faculty Retirements
Average Retirement Age – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Average Retirement Age – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent Staff Retirees Total Age / Permanent Staff Retirements

Labour Relations

Metric NameMetric DescriptionForumula
Faculty Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open permanent faculty grievances as a percentage of permanent unionized headcount.Open Permanent Faculty Grievances / Permanent Union Headcount
Non Permanent Faculty Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open non permanent faculty grievances as a percentage of non permanent unionized headcount.Open Non Permanent Faculty Grievances / Non Permanent Union Headcount
Total Faculty Grievances as a % of Total Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open faculty grievances as a percentage of unionized headcount.Open Permanent + Non Permanent Faculty Grievances / Permanent + Non Permanent Union Headcount)
Staff Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open permanent staff grievances as a percentage of permanent unionized staff headcount.Open Permanent Staff Grievances / Permanent Staff Union Headcount
Staff Grievances as a % of Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open non permanent staff grievances as a percentage of non permanent unionized headcount.Open Non Permanent Staff Grievances / Non Permanent Union Headcount
Total Staff Grievances as a % of Total Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open staff grievances as a percentage of unionized headcount.Open Permanent + Non Permanent Staff Grievances / Permanent + Non Permanent Union Headcount
Faculty Grievances as a % of Faculty Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open permanent faculty grievances as a percentage of permanent unionized faculty headcount.Open Permanent Faculty Grievances / Permanent Faculty Union Headcount
Faculty Grievances as a % of Faculty Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open non permanent faculty grievances as a percentage of non permanent unionized faculty headcount.Open Non Permanent Faculty Grievances / Non Permanent Faculty Union Headcount
Total Faculty Grievances as a % of Total Faculty Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open faculty grievances as a percentage of unionized faculty headcount.Open Permanent + Non Permanent Faculty Grievances / Permanent + Non Permanent Faculty Union Headcount
Staff Grievances as a % of Staff Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open permanent staff grievances as a percentage of permanent unionized staff headcount.Open Permanent Staff Grievances / Permanent Staff Union Headcount
Staff Grievances as a % of Staff Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open non permanent staff grievances as a percentage of non permanent unionized staff headcount.Open Non Permanent Staff Grievances / Non Permanent Staff Union Headcount
Total Staff Grievances as a % of Total Staff Unionized Headcount
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Open staff grievances as a percentage of unionized staff headcount.Open Permanent + Non Permanent Staff Grievances / Permanent + Non Permanent Staff Union Headcount
Union Percentage – Permanent Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees belonging to a union as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Faculty Union Headcount / Permanent Headcount
Union Percentage – Non Permanent Faculty
Non Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Non permanent faculty employees belonging to a union as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent Faculty Union Headcount / Non Permanent Headcount
Union Percentage – Total Faculty
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees Education Industry Only
Faculty employees belonging to a union as a percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent Faculty Union Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent Headcount
Union Percentage – Permanent Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees belonging to a union as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Staff Union Headcount / Permanent Headcount
Union Percentage – Non Permanent Staff
Non Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Non permanent staff employees belonging to a union as a percentage of non permanent headcount.Non Permanent Staff Union Headcount / Non Permanent Headcount
Union Percentage – Total Staff
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees Education Industry Only
Staff employees belonging to a union as a percentage of headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent Staff Union Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent  Headcount
Permanent Faculty Union Percentage
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees belonging to a union as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Faculty Union Headcount / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Non Permanent Faculty Union Percentage
Non Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Non permanent faculty employees belonging to a union as a percentage of non permanent faculty headcount.Non Permanent Faculty Union Headcount / Non Permanent Faculty Headcount
Total Faculty Union Percentage
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees Education Industry Only
Faculty employees belonging to a union as a percentage of faculty headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent Faculty Union Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent Faculty Headcount
Permanent Staff Union Percentage
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Permanent staff employees belonging to a union as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Staff Union Headcount / Permanent Staff Headcount
Non Permanent Staff Union Percentage
Non Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Non permanent staff employees belonging to a union as a percentage of non permanent staff headcount.Non Permanent Staff Union Headcount / Non Permanent Staff Headcount
Total Staff Union Percentage
Permanent & Non Permanent Employees Education Industry Only
Staff employees belonging to a union as a percentage of staff headcount.Permanent + Non Permanent Staff Union Headcount / Permanent + Non Permanent Staff Headcount

Workforce Demographics

Metric NameMetric DescriptionForumula
Female Percent – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who are female as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Female Faculty Employees / Permanent Headcount
Female Percent – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who are female as a percentage of permanent headcount.Permanent Female Staff Employees / Permanent Headcount
Faculty Female Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who are female as a percentage of permanent faculty headcount.Permanent Female Faculty Employees / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Staff Female Percent
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who are female as a percentage of permanent staff headcount.Permanent Female Staff Employees / Permanent Staff Headcount
Female Percent – Faculty/Female
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent faculty employees who are female as a percentage of permanent female headcount.Permanent Female Faculty Employees / Permanent Female Headcount
Female Percent – Staff/Female
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Permanent staff employees who are female as a percentage of permanent female headcount.Permanent Female Staff Employees / Permanent Female Headcount
Average Age – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Average age of permanent faculty employees.Permanent Faculty Total Age / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Average Age – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Average age of permanent staff employees.Permanent Staff Total Age / Permanent Staff Headcount
Average Length of Service – Faculty
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only 
Average length of permanent faculty employee service.Total Permanent Faculty Length of Service / Permanent Faculty Headcount
Average Length of Service – Staff
Permanent Employees Only
Education Industry Only
Average length of permanent staff employee service.Total Permanent Staff Length of Service / Permanent Staff Headcount

Reference our Standards & Glossary for a consolidated listing of metrics and corresponding data definitions.