Missing the numbers to back your decision-making? Struggling to show the value of HR? Unsure how to begin measuring HR’s impact on your organization’s bottom line?
Benchmarking is the answer. It helps you spot and respond to trends in the economy, or your sector, or your location. It also allows you to determine which areas of your function are under or over performing and to demonstrate how your HR activities are contributing value to your organization.
- Our data is collected from exclusively Canadian organizations submitted by high-calibre participants across the country
- Encourages identifying, collecting and analysing relevant data
- Robust Standards and Glossary provides guidelines and definitions to aid you in the process
- Continuous support from our metrics team knowledgeable in HR measurement
- Opportunity to compare against your choice of organizations by province, sector, industry and more
Through the HR Metrics Service you will get the empirical data you need to build your business case, prove your value and get the results you need, without guessing
- Receive two customized, fully-audited reports each quarter which provide timely monitoring of your contribution as an HR function
- One annual benchmark report of the comparison group of your choice
- Bring credibility and resources to HR to get the right things done and make a meaningful difference in your organization
- View Sample Reports to help you understand your metrics
- Demonstrates a commitment to improving the impact of your human capital
- Encourages identifying, collecting and analyzing relevant data