About HR Metrics Service

Daunted by numbers? Overwhelmed by metrics? Missing the HR data needed to make your business case?

The HR Metrics Service makes numbers make sense. We are a national service that shows the value of human resources by measuring and comparing the performance of your human capital. We stand out by offering a common standard for measurement and a two-step auditing process that ensures side-by-side comparisons with high-quality data. Your choices include comparisons based on province, sector, industry and more.

Intrigued? Join leading organizations including LifeLabs, the University of Toronto and Vancouver City Savings Credit Union who are measuring in the areas of productivity, HR efficiency, compensation, labour relations, recruitment, retention, learning and development, and workforce demographics.’

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How the HR Metrics Service works


Provide Organizational Data

Choose metrics and collect corresponding data using our metrics selection tool. Upload your data via an easy-to-use, secure and reliable web survey each quarter.


Get two customized reports

Once data is validated, our system calculates your metrics and provides you with two customized reports every 90 days. These feature a comparative view of where your organization scores relative to your peers.


Be the first to know

Identify human capital priorities and analyze the impact of your HR investment on the bottom line. Use this information to make data-driven workforce decisions.